Programme 2013
- 08:30
Simultaneous translation in german, italian and english. Workshops will be in one language without translation.
- 09:00
- 09:30
- 10:00
- 10:30
- 11:00
- 11:20
Coffee break
- 11:50
- 12:10
- 12:30
- 12:50
- 13:10
- 13:30
Lunch break and networking
- 15:00
Migration to Libre Office in the public sector
The Document Foundation's Value Proposition
workshop -
Open Invention Network / Defensive Publications
Defend Your Business From Patent Attacks
workshop -
SASAbus HTML5 & free java libraries LAB
workshop - OGC and INSPIRE Standards
How Open Source software and Open Standards complement each other in an SDI environment
workshop -
Temporal Postgresql
- 08:30