The FSFE Italy Project from Understanding to Testing

How I applied design-thinking to re-design the Italian Free Software Community

14:2015 mins08/11/2024

The role of Deputy Coordinator Italy within the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) was born in 2022 out of the need of re-establishing the presence of the Foundation on the territory. I designed this three years experimental project together with the Free Software Lab of NOI Techpark with the value proposition of (re)designing the FSFE Italian Community.

The project followed a human centric approach, moving along the five core stages of design-thinking. The goal of my talk is to describe the FSFE Italy project and the design-thinking approach adopted.

The first year (Y1) served as the understanding phase: I got involved as an FSFE representative in the main communication channels used by the Free Software (FS) community on the territory. I conducted interviews with volunteers, associations’ heads and enthusiasts, took part into the main FS events organized on the territory, mapped all stakeholders (understanding-observing) and created my own point of view (POV). By the end of 2022 I had already became an established FSFE representative on the territory, having gathered inputs and ideas on how to kick off the community into year two (Y2). The goal of year two was to build on these new ideas (ideation) and put these thoughts into action (prototyping) by finding common goals and activities with the main FS associations active on the territory and signing Memorandum of Understandings, preparing the ground to test it in the third year (Y3). Guess what was the result?