Hacking your (electric) car: the importance of Open Data

Gathering information from the OBD (On Board Diagnostic) port of your car could be challenging

13:4015 mins08/11/2024

Any car has a diagnostic connector from which you can gather and/or set data from the various ECU (Engine Control Unit) that are present in your car, such as odometer, temperatures, motor rotation speed, accelerator depression percentage, wheel angle, lights, and – in an electric car – information about battery, remain energy, charging/discharging power, etc.
The big challenge is that the meaning of fathered data is usually not known and car manufacturers are reluctant to share this information.
This talk will illustrate how to scan the available data and make reverse engineering in order to try to create a shared database containing (useful) car data and PIDs (Parameter IDs) from ECUs of your car.