Sonia Montegiove

Public Administration, Umbria Region

project manager on #LinkedUmbria, DigiPASS Umbria, Rete Animatori Digitali dell'Umbria, LivingLAB Umbria

Sonia Montegiove is an analyst, a developer, a trainer in ICT and a freelance journalist. She is editorial director of Tech Economy and Ingenium.

Her publications include:

Valentina nello spazio, a fairy tale to bring children into the study of science;
10 personaggi in cerca di Libre Office, an ebook guide to the open source software LibreOffice.
2 guide for parents and teachers to help children to use consciously the technologies:
Gnomeide: salvate le mamme e i papà and Gnomeide2: manuale di sopravvivenza ai social network.

She is the curator of the ebook Crescere a pane e software libero (various authors)

Sonia Montegiove

Talk at SFSCON