The Italian way to the Cloud

Transforming the public administration digital infrastructure: pursuing a DevOps approach


If you are involved in the public administration, or you are interested in how the public administration is working towards a better digital infrastructure, this talk is for you.

The Italian Government has defined a national strategy for usage of the cloud computing technologies by the public administration. It is based on the three pillars of: technological autonomy, data ownership and (cyber) resiliency.

For the infrastructure part in charge of service providers there are a lot of checks and guidelines. But for the part of the infrastructure in charge of the solution provider or directly managed by the internal IT department there are no strict rules.

There are no strict rules because it is difficult to drive innovation while it is happening by law. But there are a set of best practices, tools and examples described in the manual for cloud qualification.

The newborn National Strategic Hub (a joint public private data center project) offers a modern IT infrastructure for the public administration.

During the talk we will look at codes and examples on how to deploy Free Software services on it using Free Software Infrastructure as Code tools, in order to implement the Italian cloud strategy.

We are working to integrate the DevOps code examples in a new version of the manual that will be released this fall.

