The future of business is Composable

A Composable Application Architecture for an agile development of web applications.


The era of uncertainty that the market is going through due to Covid, wars and rising inflation, generates strong stimuli that impact company’s business and public administration activities that are increasingly called to realize the digital transformation. In this scenario, organizations need to be more resilient, readjust their strategies quickly, and most importantly innovate because digital transformation supports agility and responsiveness.

This is why “composable enterprise” is born, with its new architectural model of structuring processes and new technologies able to respond to changes.

This approach drives organizations to rethink their business model in terms of digital assets by recombining the various business capabilities into reusable Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs).
To make the paradigm real, we need ad hoc platforms that provide tools to create and manage PBCs: the Application Composition Platform (ACP).

With a maximum delay of five years compared to the migration to the cloud, we will also see that towards composable applications. It will be a highly diversified factor on the market: according to Gartner, in fact, by 2023 those who adopt it will be 80% faster in implementing new features than competitors.

Entando Platform allows you to modernize applications, or build new applications in this new composable method, and it allows enterprises to use WHATEVER tools, runtimes, software languages, software frameworks, Middleware, Kubernetes Platform, Cloud platform, DevOps processes or governance that they currently use.

