Opt out? Opt in? Opt Green! Bringing Free Software To Eco-Consumers

11:2015 mins08/11/2024

Free Software gives consumers what they want, but many don’t know it … yet! We aim to change that by reaching out directly to eco-consumers in the “Opt Green” project, a new KDE Eco initiative funded by the German Environmental Agency.

Consumers want sustainable software: in a recent European poll 50% of respondents say the two primary reasons they purchase a new device are non-functioning software and software performance issues. This is as good a time as ever for an “Opt Green” message. In the next couple of years Windows 10 end-of-life and the phasing out of Intel-based macOS support will make e-waste out of hundreds of millions of computers. Functioning but vendor-abandoned devices can stay out of the landfill and in use for many years to come. With software designed for users’ needs, not vendors’, it is possible to run software on the devices one already owns. Lean, efficient Free Software even runs on devices that are decades old. This is good for users, and better for the environment!

In this lightning talk I will provide an overview of the whys and hows of KDE Eco’s “Opt Green” initiative. Through campaigns and workshops over the next 2 years, we will raise awareness about environmental issues driven by software and demonstrate the power of Free Software to drive down resource use and keep devices running smoothly for years beyond official vendor support. This is all possible because Free Software *is* right-to-repair software: it removes vendor dependencies and guarantees transparency and user autonomy, providing full control over software, and thus hardware. I will describe the ways we plan to reach our target audience, including materials designed for eco-consumers and events well outside usual tech circles, such as open-air organic, artisanal, and fair trade markets, cultural centers, and others. These activities give us the opportunity to align our values in the Free Software community with those in allied communities striving for a sustainable modern lifestyle.