MoveAid – a web app to foster accessible mobility

Developing an online platform to manage rides operated by volunteers


MoveAid is a project developed as a collaboration between the Linux User Group of Bolzano-Bozen-Bulsan and the Association for Elderly People’s Rights (ADA) of Bolzano. The aim of this web application is to manage the “trasporto solidale” (solidarity transport) initiative in a more organized and graceful manner. This latter project consists of three associations – ADA, Antea and Auser – providing elderly people with free transportation to medical clinics and other points of interest. The service is currently entirely managed by hand and separetely by every single organization. MoveAid offers a brand new central platform to manage reservations for all elderly people of Bolzano. In this way, not only is the project way easier to manage but also reduces its environmental footprint, by optimizing the usage of the available vehicles.

