Patrick Ohnewein
NOI Techpark
Tech Transfer Digital, Head of Unit
Team leader of project managers with specialization in the coordination of various European Research & Development Projects in the field of SMART Tourism, SMART Mobility, SMART Energy and SMART Food. He and his team promote a strategy for innovation build on top of Open Data, Open Standards and Free Open Source Software.
Honorary dedicated to the build-up of a Free Software community in South Tyrol since the mid of the 90ties, co-founder of the Linux User Group Bozen-Bolzano-Bulsan (, organizes the annual South Tyrol Free Software Conference ( Involved as IT-expert in various work-groups and committees for Free Software and for the IT-Community, member of the core team of the Free Software Foundation Europe (, Patrick Ohnewein formerly worked for many years as software developer and multiplier in the software area.