Ekaterina Chuprikova
Center for Sensing Solutions, EURAC research
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
Ekaterina Chuprikova, Dr.-Ing., is a postdoctoral researcher funded under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. In 2014 she graduated from the International Master Program in Cartography taught by the four cooperating Universities TU Munich, TU Vienna, TU Dresden, and the University of Twente. From June 2015, she worked as Research Associate at the Technical University of Munich and obtained her Ph.D. degree at the Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Chair of Cartography. In 2020 she received a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and started her Postdoctoral research at the Center of Sensing Solutions, EURAC. She is currently working on developing methods to agricultural data integration through a knowledge graph and visualization. With her work, she aims to fully exploit the potential of geospatial data and gain insights into high complexity datasets about the apple variety testing program.