Dario Freddi


KDE Team

Dario Freddi lives in Milano. An early passion for computers is due to his father, and interest in Linux and coding soon followed. Beginning with web development in PHP, he soon found himself developing in C and C++. Freddi was attracted to the KDE Community, and work with KDEmod/Chakra. He developed a front end to the pacman Package Manager (Arch Linux) and an installer for the distribution. He soon was an active KDE contributor, and currently maintains the power management and the authorization stacks in kdebase and kdelibs, and contributes to the network management stack, Solid, and in some other small parts of KDE. He is a regular KDE speaker and contributor to KDE European Meetings, as well as the Funambol developer Conference and the Milano Linux Day. He is a student at Politecnico di Milano in Information Engineering, and at the same time working part-time as a consultant and network administrator for a company based in Milan. His main passions are, aside from KDE and Free Software, playing music and playing basketball.

Talk at SFSCON