Alexios Zavras
Intel Corp.
Senior Open Source Compliance Engineer
Alexios Zavras (zvr) is the Senior Open Source Compliance Engineer of Intel Corp. He has been involved with Free and Open Source Software since 1983, and is an evangelist for all things Open. Besides his duties in Intel, he is an active participant in a number of industry-wide efforts around compliance issues, like SPDX and OpenChain. He has presented in a number of national and international conferences, including Linux Foundation events like Open Source Leadership Summit and Open Source Summit, FOSDEM, CopyleftConf, academic conferences, etc.
He has a PhD in Computer Science after having studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Greece and the United States.
Talk at SFSCON
Edition 2024SPDXv3: Advancing Transparency in SoftwareA newly released standard for complete information
Edition 2023The current state of SBOMs and SPDXUpdates for 2023
Edition 2022Software Bills of Materials (SBOM)An idea reaching maturity through standards
Edition 2019Free Software in the industry: a view from the large scale