Abraham Mejia-Aguilar
Eurac Research
Senior researcher
Abraham Mejia-Aguilar received his BSc degree in electronic engineering from National Polytechnic Institute (ESIME-IPN), Mexico in January 2000; he received his MSc degree in electrical engineering from National Autonomous University of Mexico in August 2004, collaborating at the same time as researcher at Mexican Petroleum Institute developing and prototyping geophysical instrumentation. He received the MSc and PhD in electronic instrumentation applied on water quality methods from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in 2007 and 2010, respectively. Afterwards he worked in Aerospace industry (FACC-AG) for testing new materials and components. Currently, he collaborates as researcher in European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC) for the development of multi-scale monitoring approaches and non-destructive methods for environmental parameters. His current research interests are sensors and methods integration for in-situ, proximal and remote sensing scales